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Third Period Issues, 1898 - 1907
The 1898 to
1907 printings are classified as a separate group because the print
quality had deteriorated significantly by this date and the stamps are
generally quite blurred. The thin native paper is of very poor quality
except for a very brief period in 1901 when the one anna stamps were
printed on high quality white European wove paper.
Because of
continuous use of the same cliches combined with poor cleaning of the
printing forms, it became necessary to recut some of the cliches of
the one anna. This began with the recutting of the frames on position
24 cliche before the printing of setting 19. In 1901, setting 26, the
frames of all 64 positions on the sheet were recut. At the same time
white wove European paper was briefly used creating the rarities of
the one anna issues. Native paper soon replaced the high quality
imported paper and both the print and paper quality deteriorated
further until the end of the postal issue period in 1907. The 1898 to
1907 printings also include the addition of a new one-half anna
denomination in a new design. The stamp intended was for use on
official mail between Sawari (royal) camp and Kathmandu.
Please note that Scott's catalog conflates
stamps of the third period with stamps of the telegraphic period,
excepting the European Paper 1 anna stamps.
#2099, one-half anna, setting 4 (1905-1906), unused tete-beche
pair, positions 57-58, tone spot at top, ex Hellrigl
(Scott catalog #12a, value incl. more common later issues, $225.)
Price $150. |
#2100, one anna bluish green, setting 23 (1900), used tete-beche
pair, positions 23-24, position 23 inverted, before position 24 was
recut, ex Singer and illustrated in his book on page 65
(Scott catalog #13c, value incl. more common later issues, $250.)
Price $250. |
#2102, one anna blue on European Wove paper, full margins, tied to
portion of June 1904 cover by Banke initial in bars cancel, Kathmandu
arrival postmark, ex Gupta
(Scott catalog #23b, cat. value $1,000.)
Price $250. |
#2106, 1898-1907, large balance group of 105 used 1 anna stamps,
the PDF file of the group is here, the items with specific positions noted
are almost all from H.S. Gupta plating (which can not always be relied
upon), it includes two stamps that Gupta exhibited as European wove
paper but I do not think they are, all bear postal cancels rather than
telegraphic cancels, includes numerous shades and recuts, many are not
in very good condition
Price $500 |
#2103, four annas green, two unused blocks of four in different
colors, setting 10 and setting 11, very fine
(Scott catalog #17, catalog value $560+)
Price $200. |
#2104, four annas green, unused block of ten, setting 11, first
state, ex Hellrigl
(Scott catalog #17, catalog value $700+)
Price $400. |
#2105, mounted shade study of four annas green, unused singles
(10), pairs (2) and blocks (4) intact as received on two pages from
Sanford collection (only first page shown at left), PDF file
(Scott catalog #17, catalog value $2,100+)
Price $450. |