Frajola World Covers

Steve Whitington Collection of Western Express Covers

Offered by Richard Frajola (Table of Contents and Ordering Instructions)

Schoch's Copper City Express (1863 - 1865)

This express operated between from a main office in Shasta to Buckye, Churntown, Pittsburgh and Copper City between 1863 and 1865.

Schoch's Copper City Express fancy frank with side ornaments on 3c pink 1861 issue entire to Catherine Raum at Prairie, California, entered the mails with Shasta, California Nov 3 postmark and manuscript "Due 6" for second weight rate unpaid (double penalty), cover left edge restored, four reported examples of this frank

(stock #243, $1500)

Schoch's Copper City Express fancy rectangular frank on 3c pink 1864 issue entire to Sacramento, entered the mails with Shasta, California Aug 33 postmark, 1865 docket at left, opened roughly at right, three reported examples of this frank, ex Dale - Lichtenstein

(stock #244, $1500)

Shepherd's Express (1863)

After Cooper withdrew from Shepherd, Cooper & Co's Express, J. M. Shepherd ran an ad a July issue of the Daily Oregonian: "Shepherd's Express To Auburn, John Day and Boise Mines. Leaves Walla Walla (Washington) every Monday and returns ... connecting with Wells, Fargo & Co's Express at Walla Walla." having sold his business over the summer to Wells, Fargo, Shepherd began working again for Tracy & Co. Express in the Boise Basin until those lines were sold to Wells, Fargo in November 1863.

Shepherd's Express, Auburn, John Day's and Boise Mines, Paid, frank overprinted on Tracy & Co. Oregon Express frank on 3c pink 1861 issue entire to Three Oaks, Michigan, with printed "Boise Express / Paid 50 Cts." at bottom left, entered the mails with double circle Portland, Oregon Sep 6, 1863 postmark, stains and reduced at right into the indicia, the only known example, illustrated in Forster, ex Risvold

(stock #245, $4000)

W. E. Singer & Co's Feather Express (1855)
Singer & Morrow Feather River Express (Fall 1855 - Fall 1857)

William E. Singer operated an express between Marysville and the mining camps along the Feather River between 1850 and 1857. During that period five different expresses bore his name. After Singer, Dean & Co's Express dissolved in 1855 he operated by himself for several months before taking Morrow as a partner. In late 1857 Morrow withdrew and was replaced by Meeker.

W. E. Singer & Co's Feather River Express, connecting with Wells, Fargo & Co., sharply struck blue oval handstamp on 3c red Nesbitt entire used to Bidwell's Bar, April 15, 1855 docket on reverse, illustrated in Wiltsee, ex Parker, Haas and Jarrett

(stock #248, $1000)

Singer & Morrow's Feather River Express printed frank with fancy frame on 10c green Nesbitt entire used to Plymouth, Massachusetts, entered the mails with Bidwell's Bar, California May 16 (1856) postmark, small repaired nick away from indicia, four reported examples, illustrated in Letters of Gold, page 216, ex Haas and Edwards

(stock #247, $3500)

Southern Express Co. And Texas Express Co. (1880s)

Little its known of this combination. The Texas Express Co. had been operating since 1870 and the Southern Express Co. even longer.

Southern Express Company and Texas Express Company, Paid, green printed frank on 2c brown 1882 issue entire to Shelbyville, Illinois, entered the mails with “New Orleans La. Dec 12 11 AM 1887” duplex datestamp, originated west of the Mississippi River, probably in Texas, slightly reduced at right, five reported example, ex Dale - Lichtenstein

(stock #249, $375)

Stanton & Co. Sacramento & Folsom Express (ca 1855 - 1856)

Nothing is known of this express operating. The railroad design of frank may suggest a planned or actual connection with the Sacramento Valley Railroad which was completed between Sacramento and Folsom in February 1856. Both reported uses entered the mails in the East.

Stanton & Co. Sacramento & Folsom Express, Paid, train illustrated frank vertically at left of 3c red Nesbitt entire used to Wisconsin, additionally franked with 3c dull red 1851 issue adhesive for 6c rate, entered the mails with Fall River, Massachusetts "Nov 4" postmarks tying, edge faults and light staining, two reported examples

(stock #250, $1750)

Swart & Co's Express (1854)

Swart & Co's Express advertised briefly in 1854. Their route was by steamer from San Francisco to Oakland, Clinton, Alameda, Union City, San Pablo and Martinez.

Swart & Co's Express Oakland, faint red oval company handstamp on 5c green Nesbitt entire used to East Corinth, Vermont, entered the mails with San Francisco October 16 (1854) postmark, edges restored, two reported examples of this handstamp in red

(stock #251)

Swift & Co's Express (1855 - 1859)

Swift’s from a base in San Francisco this express operated to Bodega, Petaluma and Santa Rosa. Swift connected with Wells Fargo for additional service.

Swift & Co's Express, Paid, frank on 3c red Nesbitt entire used to San Francisco, McKay correspondence, conjunctive use with "Wells, Fargo & Co. Express Steamboat" blue oval handstamp, partial backflap, illustrated in Nathan and Letters of Gold, two reported examples of this style frank, ex Barkhausen, Lichtenstein (1950 Costales sale), Haas and Edwards

(stock #253, $2500)

Swift & Co's Express, Paid, medallion frank on 3c red Nesbitt entire used from Santa Rosa to San Francisco, McKay correspondence, conjunctive use with Wells, Fargo Petaluma blue oval datestamp, "From Santa Rosa House, Santa Rosa" imprint at lower left, no backflap but still one of the finest examples of this frank

(stock #252, $500)

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Richard Frajola (July 2012)