If you have
fine postal history material of the classic period to 1876 that you
wish to sell, please contact me. |
April 2022 Postal
History Net Price Sale - includes pre 1870 New Mexico postal
history with Mexican Period, Unorganized Territory Period and CSA
Incursion. Ex William Easley collection with several lots of forts
and many original letters.
Link (click on image) will take you to
some of the items that are available for sale but only those that are listed in PhilaMercury census database.
My stock is primarily sold against existing want lists.
Completed sales but listings remain for reference. You may check
regular inventory
here for similar items.
"Last Aspen" Net
Price Sale (November 2021)
Sale page is
here. A diverse sale that includes United States postal
history featuring rare railroad material, classic stamps on cover,
US Offices abroad with Shanghai and Panama agents, collection of
English Setter gun advertising covers as well as Italian Sates with
a collection postal forgeries, two Nepal rarities and an important
Shanghai Local Post 1865 Issue collection. |
"Battles & Leaders" Net Price Sale
In my auction sale of July 10, 1982, I sold a large group of Civil War
manuscripts and documents from an extra-illustrated set of "Battles and
Leaders of the Civil War" expanded from four to twenty four volumes as
compiled by the great collector, Frederick S. Peck. I recently repurchased
the balance of the collection.
This sale includes the Confederate related prints and documents as well as
a couple Union items. The bulk of the Union material will be sold on eBay
over the next couple months by Matt Liebson. His eBay handle is "paperhistory"
and all lots with have a code with "FP" to indicate they are from the Peck
collection. A direct link to those coded lots is
(Sale over November 15th, ask about availability of unsolds) |

click to go to sale |
August 5, 2019 Sale.
A small "Buy or Bid" sale
that includes early stampless with 1797 use from St. Louis, stamped covers with patriotics as
well as an exceptional group of 2c Black Jack uses in highest
quality. Western Express items include a Pony Express use and two
used propaganda envelopes (Putt's and Sammy's). Confederate States
includes an inbound blockade-run cover from Fraser Trenholm in
(Sale over August 5, 2019) |
The John Olenkiewicz
Postal History Collection.
A net price sale. Click on
map to view the lots.
A collection of collections. Most material is neatly mounted and
well annotated. Collection material and is offered in larger lots to
preserve the information.
John's important study collections include mails to and from the
Connecticut in the period 1750 to 1870 era. The pre 1800
Norwich material probably represents the largest holding in private
hands relative to the founding of an 18th Century United States Post
(Sale over April 16, 2019) |
Confederate States
- The "Doma" Collection.
A "Buy or Bid" sale that ends 27 November 2018. Includes covers and stamps with several ex Caspary.
(Sale over November 28, 2018) |
Postal History of the
Western Overland Routes
- An important
net price sale posted here and on Stamp Auction Network.
The sale includes many ex Kramer and Walske covers that were illustrated
in the Mails of the Westward Expansion book by Walske and Frajola.
Table of contents and links page
Additional postal history items
that are available but are not included in this sale may be found
(Net price ended on August 12, 2018)
The Henry Conland Family
US Stamp Collection - I have the honor of working with, and
preparing for resale, the three generation stamp collection started by
Henry H. Conland (collecting 1918 to 1943), and continued by Henry J.
Conland and Henry H. Conland.
I have collection-mounted 64
pages of just the 1908 Series Washington - Franklin imperforate issues as
a sample (click title page at left to view the section).
Other sections include:
1. Some wonderful early mint
coils some collected on the spot, and some added later that are signed by
Bartels, Ward, etc - with imperf coils, coils collected in strips of four
with guide lines, and paste-ups.
2. There is an extensive US
revenue collection mounted on the special 1943 Scott National pages for
revenues with several rarities. But the real joy for me is seeing complete
sections of the more obscure stamps like the mint Motor Vehicle use stamps
of WWII era complete mint, Playing Cards and the extensive group of Puerto
Rico Rectified Spirits.
3. The basic collection
includes 20th Century mint singles, blocks, position blocks, plate blocks,
(added June 2018)
(sold Jun 27 2018) |
Black Jacks - One frame
exhibit-mounted collection. An excellent survey collection with material
from Faust, Metzger and Allen collections. Click icon for the PDF file.
Stamp at left is a never hinged example in mint block of 24. (added May 2018)(most
sold Jun 14, see stock page
here for available ex Faust items) |
Vermont's Stampless Era - The important collection formed by Richard Marek. Offered
intact less the British North American Mails section which Dick continues
to collect. Details upon request.
(added March 2018)
(sold Mar 14 2018) |
International Postage Stamp Albums (4),
Scott Ne Plus Ultra Albums and Pages, 19th Century (printed circa
1921-1929). Stamp collection to 1900 on 570+ linen hinged pages that
have been scanned. Certainly the ultimate album of the era with
pre-printed pages for 19th century stamps. Nice China, etc.
(2017 sold) |
United States Fancy
Stampless, A large portion of the collection formed by Henry
Conland. Link takes you to a 75 page PDF file of the mounted
group. It has been sold intact (added May 2017) |
Nepal (1881-1930) - Individual items and
small collections listed in 100 lots. Includes postal history and stamps
with material from Singer, Hellrigl, H.S. Gupta and Sanford collections
(added January 2017).
The Wine Stamp
Enthusiast -
A portion of the Henry Conland collection of United States Wine
Revenue stamps. A mounted one frame exhibit of these, "A Taste of
the Best" is linked at left. It has been sold intact May 2016. |
[February 2015 Sale], The "Baja California"
collection of California illustrated covers, Western Express, and
exceptional postal history
and inbound uses from British North America |
[September 2014 Sale]
Transcontinental uses via water from of the Steve Walske
collection and selected additional material. Includes early
California letters send around the Horn and via Mexico as well as
contract mails Via Panama and Via Tehuantepec. Inbound mail includes
Canada. |
The collection of California Private
Mails, 1849 - 1856 formed by Richard Schaefer and as shown in
Western Express journal. Click icon for listings.
The California Pioneer Express portion of the
Steve Walske
"Heart of the West" collection (retained material will be
incorporated into a new exhibit). Click icon for listings.
Portions of the Steve Walske
"Heart of the West" collection (retained material will be
incorporated into a new exhibit). The British Columbia & Vancouver
Island, New South Wales and South America sections. Click icon for
I am pleased to present portions of the Steve Walske
"Heart of the West" collection (retained material will be
incorporated into a new exhibit).
Far East section as a
PDF file (sold
intact) |
Trans-Atlantic covers ex Dick Winter
collection. Most on original album pages.
I am pleased to present the collection of Swiss
Maritime Mail formed by Richard Schaefer. Primarily material
of the pre-adhesive era, this collection is offered by geographical
regions and includes mail to and from Switzerland.
Covers appeared in November
2012 sale
here. |
The "Chicago" collection of highest quality
inland waterway with route agents, as well as sailing ship,
steamship, and steamboat packet markings. The dispersal of a thirty
year collection formed for a private client.
I am pleased to present the collection of Western
Express franked covers formed by Steve Whitington. This
presentation includes brief histories of the express companies and
includes new information in many, if not most, cases. |