Philamercury Digital Rendezvous 2017 (PDR2017)
In a continuing effort to promote philatelic exhibiting, I am pleased to announce a
one frame (16 pages) online philatelic competition - Philamercury
Digital Rendezvous (PDR2017). The ninety-six entries as well as the
palmares for PDR2016 are linked from the index page
The deadline for exhibit submission is end of day October 1, 2017. No rules as to
content, open to all, no exhibit fees and with awards by vote of fellow
exhibitors. Awards to be determined. Submission guidelines
here. Voting
will end on October 7th and winners will be announced. In the event of tie
votes, the earliest exhibit to reach the highest vote count will be the
Awards will be a 2016 gold Mercury dime.
Three to be awarded:
1.) Best in Show

2.) Best in Show (to a first time one frame exhibitor)
3.) Most Enjoyable
And the winners are:
palmares PDF
Best In Show - Dan
Knowles, exhibit #19
Best in Show, First
Time Exhibitor - Kent Gray, exhibit #13
Most Enjoyable - Rob
Faux, exhibit #11
Sponsor's Special
Prize of Merit - Chip Gliedman, exhibit #31
A listing of exhibits follows (first time exhibitors listed in red):