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The Mercury Project is an archive site for scholarly articles on various aspects of philately. US 15c Lincoln 1866-1868 Issues
The Bill Ainsworth collection
Life & Times of Abraham Lincoln
The Risvold collection
"Gold Rush"
The Risvold collection
The Battle of Hampton Roads
The Myerson collection

Colorado Territory Gold Coinage

The Frederick Mayer collection
New Caledonia

The Frederick Mayer 5 frame exhibit collection
1870-1871 Franco-Prussian War

The Steve Walske 5 frame exhibit collection
Sperati Index

images of Sperati forgeries of the world
The Bill Ainsworth exhibit collection "Six Cent Lincoln Banknote Stamps: 1870-1882"

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The exhibit collection of Macao pre 1900 stamps and postal history.

An exhibit collection of Mock US & Canada Carriers and Locals. The classic frauds. The exhibit collection of Costa Rica formed by Mr. Frederick Mayer "1857 Treaty Mail to France by the French Line" United States 1869 Issue - Ninety Cents Lincoln. The single frame exhibit collection of William J. Ainsworth

A study of the various methods used to pay postal rates in the United States between 1776 and 1921. Great Britain Imperforate Line Engraved - the Vanity and the Insanity.

William L. Goggin Proposes a Three Cent Postal Rate (1849)

A collection of stamp related songsheets The Pony Express Exhibit of Steven C. Walske.

The "Lafayette" Collection of classic errors of France. Sold on behalf of a client. Highlights of the "Lafayette" Collection of United States 1869 Pictorial Issue. Sold on behalf of a client.

Selling Stamps On eBay

An article on selling stamps on Ebay.

The exhibit collection formed by Frederick R. Mayer. California Penny Post fakes

The California "Ocean" Penny Post Adams & Co. Express The Frederick Mayer collection of Colorado postal history. A reconstruction of a gift Missionary Cover. A cover that was stolen by Indians from the Pony Express in July, 1861.

Frederick Mayer collection of Nova Scotia stamps and postal history.  Frederick Mayer collection of the "Steam Panama" markings.  Frederick Mayer collection of Spanish Marianas stamps and postal history. A letter from Ft. Vancouver on the Pacific Coast that traveled overland to Massachusetts in 1833. "1857 Treaty Mail to France
the Philadelphia Exchange Office"
British P.O at Boston        

Richard Frajola (September 2008)