(North Carolina) Provisionals
(A Bogus Issue)
These stamps purport to be Confederate Postmaster Provisionals and are patterned after the genuine Memphis 2c adhesive. All have been attributed to S. A. Taylor which I doubt is accurate.
Click on
titles for additional information including large image and characteristics.
The catalog numbering system uses the letter "B" for "Bogus"
on these.
The Different Denominations
Wilmington #1 |
Wilmington #2 |
Wilmington #3 |
Wilmington #4 |
Wilmington #5 |
The Types
- Type
1. |
- Type 2. |
- Type 3. |
- Type
1. |
- Type 2. |
- Type 3. |
- Type
1. |
- Type 2. |
- Type 3. |
- Type 4. |
- Type 5. |
- Type
1. |
- Type 2. |
- Type 3. |
- Type 4. |
Richard Frajola (September 28, 2001)
Confederate Philatelist, Crazy Confederates or Bogus
Adhesives by H.F. Rooke, January, 1969